TMOTTGoGo is partnering with various museums, libraries, and other sites in Maryland, DC, and Virginia to host a series of events centered on Go-Go’s boundary-breaking community history. Consistent with TMOTTGoGo’s reputation as the most trusted source of information on Go-Go, the tour serves to present and collect oral histories of Go-Go from each location. In the tradition of live go-go recordings, each interactive presentation is uniquely curated with collective sense of place and community.
Each stop on the tour will be hosted by Kato Hammond, owner and creator of TMOTTGoGo, and Dr. Tahira Mahdi, a longtime TMOTTGoGo staffer who developed a new framework for community psychology based on her dissertation research with the Go-Go community. Guest speakers representing each location provide context, and community members are invited to record their own oral histories for TMOTTGoGo. In addition, the event spaces are decorated with exhibits of TMOTTGoGo articles, audio and artifacts.
Click video clips below to watch recaps of past sessions:
Click here to read Press Release
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Also see…
- Media Recaps from the 1st TMOTTGoGo Regional Tour of Go-Go History at Sandy Spring Museum
- Go-Go History Tour Video Recap at Sandy Spring Museum
- Go-Go & Baltimore Club Proven a Match Made in Music Heaven [DC Brand 99]
- TMOTTGoGo Regional Tour of GoGo History: Oxon Hill Library Tour Recap
- The Importance of Knowing Your Go-Go History: Reason #1

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