Today I want to take the time out and turn on the spotlight to a woman who possess the vocal strength of ten. A woman who I had the introduction to several years ago during the TMOTT Message Board era. A woman who, although during that same time, talked about just how powerful her singing was (like many others did and still do), I had the personal pleasure of experiencing it first hand during a friendly telephone conversation with her. And right then and there, she made me a strong believer with her performance of a Joyce “Baby Jean” Kennedy (of Mother’s Finest) song entitled “Baby Love”. The woman I am talking about goes by the name of Michele Perry. However, to the Go-Go stage and music community she’s fondly referred to as Chel’e P.
As of lately, there have been two songs released online by Chel’e P that have not only been stirring up quite a buzz, but have been pumping in regular rotation on the airwaves ever since. The first one is entitled “Do It Like A Dude”, and the most recent one (which also showcases Chuck Brown’s daughter KK) is called “Where Da Party At?”. When I first heard them both, I said to myself, “Yep, that’s her!”
As the songs continue to circulate and the buzz continues to rise, obviously the attention tends to grow and the questions being to want to know, “Who is this chick?”
Well… let’s take the time out, turn on the spotlight and find out:

What is your name? Is Chel’e P your stage name? Where did the name Chel’e P and the Beat Freaks come from?
Chel’e P: My birth name is Michele L. Perry. When I first joined a band called “All 4 U” my cousin Carlos “Losceyboi” Lyles also a member of the band at the time; said to me “Cuz, you have to come up with a “Stage Name”. I pondered for awhile and then called him back and said “What do you think about the name “Chel’e P.?”. He said “Yeah I like that” and it stuck. Most people whose name is Michele, nickname is “Shelly”. Instead of spelling my nickname the usual way, with an “S” I chose to use a “C” for “Chel’e ” and the “P.” stands for my last name which is “Perry”. And I’ve been “Chel’e P. or Chele P” as some others will call me for awhile now.
Thinking back to early childhood, what was your first experience with music for the first time like? What song do you remember most as a child?
Chel’e P: Lets see… Ummmm… I was in love with Natalie Cole when I was around 5 or 6 yrs old maybe. My Mom use to play her all the time. My very first favorite song was “I’ve got Love on my Mind” by Natalie Cole. I use to grab a hairbrush and use it as my microphone and dance around singing like I was performing in front of an audience. (laugh)
Your latest single, “Where Da Party At?”, has recently been released online, which is very melodic and impassioned. Can you tell us what it’s about and how it came to be? What about your previous online release “Do It Like A Dude”?
Chel’e P: Ok… “Where Da Party At?” Came about when I was creating a Chuck Brown Tribute Song. I called my producer “Big Wyllz” aka “Kaddy Gutta Nation Musik” and told him that I needed a Go-Go track. He sent me a track that he already created and I listened to it and loved it immediately. I started writing the song about a year ago but got side tracked by the book I am writing, that’s inspired by true life events of my life. The more Pop’s health declined, the more urgent it became for me to go back and complete it. A Tribute to his Legacy which is “Go-Go Music” the Sound of Washington, DC, besides I was born and raised in DC and have been a part of the Go-Go Music Culture my entire life. I tried my best to put as many Go-Go Band names in the single from start to finish. Also, I had to S/O the Promoters as well. Thinking that the music would die with “The God Father” Chuck Brown I wanted to show some “Go-Go Love” and appreciation for Pops. Who better to put on the track than, “The Princess of Go-Go” herself (Chuck’s Daughter) “KK” aka “Chuck Baby”. I hit her up and told her about the song and the rest is history. My goal was to be the first female in Go-Go to have a Crankin’ Go-Go ORIGINAL HIT!! Now, they are playing, “Where Da Party At” all over the world.
How has the reception of this single been thus far?
Chel’e P: Honestly, I was nervous about the reception of the song. I had no clue how it was gonna be received but praying folks like you Kato, would approve. And I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you for being more than supportive of me. I truly appreciate and love you for that. I owe the success of the song to The DJs. Especially Dj Big John aka “Dat Bama Be Crankin” of 93.9. He took the song and ran with it (literally) passed it along to other Djs and I can’t express how much I love and appreciate him as well for that. THANK YOU SO MUCH JOHN! Dj Noise, Angie Ang, Dj Jealousy, Dj Lucky, Dj Knock, Dj White The Mic, Dj Swagg, Dj Gemini, Dj Tko Tony, Dj Frank White, Dj Mixx Warner, Brian “Slick Rick” Williams, Hosea “Hartbeat” Williams (brothers) and many others. I truly appreciate ALL the DJs. So to answer the question, it’s doing very well. Also, I’m gonna be shooting the video for, “Where Da Party At” this spring. So be on the lookout for that. It would be nice if I could have all the Bands, DJs, Promoters and Supporters to be involved. If for no other reason but for the love of Go-Go and Chuck.
How did you meet your recording partners, Kaddy GuttaNation Musik & Dennis Sixx Atkinson, and how long have you been together now?
Chel’e P: I met Big Wyllz aka Kaddy Musik while playing for the band “All 4 U”. We became friends and besides he’s one of the most underrated producers in the DMV. I love the “Underdogs”. I’m one myself, so I gravitate towards them. Being underrated, I don’t mind though. I love being the one people sleep on. Listening to some of his tracks and sat back in amazement. Kaddy is one talented brother. He’s playing the Congas, Keyboard, Mixed and Co-Produced “Where Da Party At?”
One day I posted in a group on Facebook inquiring about a Lead Guitar Player for my band and Dennis “Sixx Playa” Atkinson responded. I knew of Sixx from playing with some of the Hottest Bands in the City… Suttle Thoughts and Faces U Know. My response to him was, “If you’re serious, hit me in my inbox with your contact info.” He did, I called him. I asked if he could play the lead on my single “Where Da Party At.?” He asked me to send him the track, I did and he loved it. He’s playing the Lead & Bass Guitar on the Single. He writes, sings, plays lead mainly and bass. He’s an Artist! LUCKY ME! He Co-Produced the single. I wrote, arranged, and sung all the background and lead vocals on the Single. KK spit her 16 and it was complete.
The song “Do it Like A Dude” is actually a “Cover Song” by an Artist named Jessie J. She’s one bad girl!!! Kaddy pitched the song to me while we were playing with a Band called “G-Swagg”. He re-created the beat, put a Rock/Funk/Go-Go Swing on it. Imma let you in on a little secret. Kaddy is playing the keyboards, the lead guitar on the keyboards and of course he produced it. Shea Tyler on Congas, Rodney on the #1, Mike on Bass and Rachelle Douglass on faint backup. I love her.
If you had to describe your music in three or four words, what would you call it?
Chel’e P: I would describe my music as funk, rock, soul, and real rhythm & blues. Imma freek for a helluva beat and so are the members of my Band. That’s why I named my band “Chel’e P. & The Beat Freeks”. It doesn’t matter what genre, I love music, period.
What do you think your “biggest break” or “greatest opportunity” has been so far in your musical career?
Chel’e P: Having an original song of my own, that I wrote, arranged and vocalized on the Radio. Not a “Cover” but an Original makes me truly proud of myself. And this is only the beginning of what’s to come. Keep your eyes and ears open!
What do you feel distinguishes “an artist” from just a musician?
Chel’e P: In my opinion an “Artist” creates, you are born with the gift of music. A “Musician” is more mechanical, self taught or taught by others on how to “play”. It doesn’t come from within. With an Artist, it comes from within embedded in your DNA. That’s how I differentiate between the two.

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