Rest In Paradise, Go-Go Legend Melvin “Butch” Lewis Phenomenal Drummer

ButchLewisToday we are saddened to learn of the passing Go-Go family member Melvin “Butch” Lewis.

Full details are not fully known at this time, but according to the Washington Post, Butch was among 5 MedStar Washington Hospital Center employees who were overcome by fumes of a freon gas used in air conditioning equipment.  Although the 4 other employees were treated, Butch himself did not make it.

Butch, who has a deep history in the go-go music culture, was a phenomenal drummer for go-go bands Experience Unlimited (EU), and later Little Benny and the Masters.  A good friend to many of us in the go-go community, he leaves a mark and legacy that will never be forgotten.  And we at TMOTTGoGo send out sincere condolences to his family as they go through this moment in time.

Arrangements and details will be given as provided.

(*** Photo of Butch provided by Chris Allen)

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