
Rap Artist Nas Assists Displaced DC Family


When the news had spread about a apartment fire that displaced a family of eight from their Northwest residence, New York rap artist Nas stepped in to help.

Up until about two weeks ago, Stanley Young and his eight children lived in an apartment in the 500 block of Kennedy Street NW. But a fire in the store below their apartment has left them homeless. The Youngs have since been living in a nearby hotel, but their last day there is Aug. 13.

Nas, who is visiting the DMV, saw the Youngs’ story on TV and decided to help the family. The musician created an online donation campaign to raise money to help the family secure future living arrangements.

Nas himself pledged $5,000 of his own money to the cause and asked the public to donate what they could. He also declared that if the account raised $20,000, he would throw in another $5,000.

As of Thursday afternoon, with a big boost from social media, more than $20,000 had been raised.

“Thank y’all so much for your empathy and support for Stanley and his family,” Nas wrote after the total surpassed his original goal. “As a unit we are unstoppable… we’re making miracles with your help.”

Nas, who says he’s also a single father, said all of the money raised will go directly to the Young Family.

For more information on how you can donate to the Young family, please visit HERE.

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