Petition To Have Chuck Brown Wax Statue In Madame Tussauds


The organization Pep Rally For Peace In The Streets has set up an online petition at Change.org for the purpose of getting a wax statue created and displayed at Madame Tussauds located in Washington DC, which reads:

“Mr. Chuck Brown is a legendary icon in the Washington DC area for having started the music genre of Go-Go music. He’s inspired the community through his music ministry, also giving much love on the way. He’s was a person who loved his community and always gave his time to support causes benefiting the city and the people in Washington DC. He was a symbol of manhood in D.C.; back in the day, because of the authority that he communicated with. He spoke in a manner everyone could understand and always with love for the next individual. He influenced generations and his legacy will continue to do so for generations to come. Having a wax statute would only enhance his legacy and show our appreciation of his music as a community.

Congressman woman Eleanor Holmes Norton of Washington D.C. has provided her support to this well deserve cause, so along with Congresswoman Norton and everyone at Pep Rally for Peace in the Streets”PPITS”, we ask that you sign this petition.”

To sign in your name for support in agreement, please visit HERE:


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