Whelp, it appears as though the highly anticipated Chuck Brown Memorial Park to include a music amphitheater isn’t going to happen at the level that we have been anticipating.
Based on reports from WJLA and Washington City Paper, despite a much scaled-back plan to build an amphitheater at Chuck Brown Park near Franklin and 20th Streets Northeast, have been scrapped.
In the plans delivered to the city by a contracted architect, the City Paper says that neither concept includes even a small-scale venue for live music – torpedoed, perhaps, by the continuous resistance of neighbors in the nearby Langdon neighborhood.
Initial plans for the venue, which were released this past January, included an intimate 900-seat amphitheater . However, when neighbors cried foul about possible crowd and noise issues, the city revised its plans. Instead, they said they’d build an even smaller 200-seat venue.
“We’re going to continue to work with the community to try to make this right,” Mayor Vincent Gray said in early April.
Instead, the plans now call for a plaza, a commemorative wall and a statue of the Godfather of Go-Go , according to Elevation D.C.
** Chuck Brown painting property of Peekaso

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