Remember that first Cheerios ad to feature a mixed-race family that premiered in May last year? Within days of the upload, the video had drawn negative reactions on YouTube—including references to Nazis, “troglodytes” and even “racial genocide,” prompting General Mills to disable the commenting feature. As of this post the original YouTube video has nearly 5 million page views, upward of 75,000 thumbs up but around 3,000 thumbs down ratings.
“The comments that were made were, in our view, not family friendly, and that was really the trigger for us to pull them off,” Camille Gibson, vice president of marketing for Cheerios, told The Today Show. ”Ultimately we were trying to portray an American family. And there are lots of multicultural families in America today.”
This ad sparked so much controversy, and guess what Cheerios decided to do? That’s right! They brought back the interracial family for their first ever Super Bowl Ad, which aired Sunday night during the game.
Like millions of Americans, we just fell in love with this family,” Camille Gibson, vice president of marketing for Cheerios at General Mills told The New York Times. “The big game provided another opportunity to tell another story about family love.”
The commercial follows the same dynamic as the previous one did and finds a the family enjoying a fat burning breakfast together. This time, the father is letting Gracie in on a family secret while he pours her a big bowl of Cheerios.
I love it!
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