From the pages of TMOTTGoGo Digital Magazine – March 2016 Issue! News Channel 8 on Thursday followed by a live performance on News Channel 9 on Friday was just the beginning of an eventful, star studded, surprise filled 50th birthday… Continue Reading…
September 11, 2015

There are 17 year olds taking senior pictures, preparing for SATs, studying for their driver’s license, whipping, nay-naying, quanning and ignoring you right now because of those earbuds they never seem to take out of their ears. They are posting… Continue Reading…
July 16, 2013
“Like everything else that we are over saturated with, we eventually become immune and start to tune things out, start to become insensitive. All the bands, all the shows, all the flyers are one big flyer in my mind with… Continue Reading…
January 13, 2012
-Nena Brown In a city where a major complaint across most genres of entertainment is a lack of support, the instructions were clear. DMV artists only, submit your music. A cast of producers, DJs, photographers, graphic artists, rappers and other… Continue Reading…
December 1, 2011
As a fan present for the birth of 911, holding on tight through the evolution that would gradually transform into Familiar Faces, refamiliarzation is not a challenge for me, the band has always stayed ahead of the curve, effortlessly. For… Continue Reading…
November 28, 2011
Pulling up to the 7-11 for a quick Slurpee fix, I eye Dude in the Red Shirt, sitting on a milk crate as he prepares to pounce on me with some type of line once I get out of my… Continue Reading…
November 20, 2011
The usual star studded birthday extravaganza, every hood repped, every single body bouncing, Polo’s birthday has long been a highly anticipated event. This year was no different as TCB celebrated Polo’s birthday with the same passion and drive as if… Continue Reading…
October 15, 2011
Nena Brown Writer View all of Nena’s Articles . . ——————————————————————– Posted up on MLK avenue SE, sipping pinot grigio out of a plastic cup, I put my pinky up in celebration of the fancy, bright and artsy atmosphere inside… Continue Reading…
October 15, 2011
Nena Brown Writer View all of Nena’s Articles . . ——————————————————————– In the clip below, Nena checks in with lead vocalist Kacey of Black Alley band, as she talks about her beginnings and current stability with Black Alley, how they… Continue Reading…
October 15, 2011
Nena Brown Writer View all of Nena’s Articles . . ——————————————————————– 9:30 Club ~ FlyCandy Media ~ Black Alley Band ~ Noel Gourdin ~ Kindred the Family Soul It’s Sunday night at the 930 Club and Black Alley is onstage… Continue Reading…
October 15, 2011
Nena Brown Writer View all of Nena’s Articles . . ——————————————————————– A Chat with Kangol Kid About Mama Luke “I have successfully gotten Hip-Hop involved in the fight against breast cancer, this is the first time Hip-Hop has gathered for such… Continue Reading…
October 15, 2011
By Nena Brown TMOTTGoGo’s friend and favored Ice Cube recently made his 8th stop on the multi city “Ice Cube Tour” at Baltimore’s Bourbon Street. As DJ 5 Starr spun a little Jay Z, some Wu Tang, a lot of… Continue Reading…
October 15, 2011
The TMOTT Check-In Session #2 Nena checking in with Ben Adda (manager) and Sweets (performer) of TCB (aka The Bounce Beat Kings). In the session, Ben and Sweets talk about the 2010 Go-Go Awards, The Bouncebeat Movement, The Status… Continue Reading…
October 15, 2011
Session #1 Nena checking in with Scooby “Frank Sirius” Marshall while backstage at the Cedric The Entertainer Concert – 1st Marina – Baltimore, Maryland. In the session, Scooby speaks about Lissen, Pandora, the Cedric tour, the go-go awards, and opinions… Continue Reading…